One missing link in the world situation has been the relative disinterest of many nations who have been able to ignore events in the Mideast. The oil shortage with its attendant worldwide economic recession has changed all that. From the Scriptural point of view, one important development of the last few months is the intense interest of nations like Japan in a conflict between Arab and Jew that had its beginnings 4000 years ago. How fascinating it is to see God at work involving ALL NATIONS in Mideast events. There is no doubt now that EVERY GOVERNMENT is watching developments in the very place that God has decreed to be the focal point of His purpose.

Are we on the threshold of another phase of God’s plan — the “peace and safety” phase? Ezekiel 38 makes it clear that Israel considers herself dwelling “safely” (v.14), “that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls and having neither bars nor gates” (v.11), at the time of the Gogian invasion. With guerilla raids, uneasy truce and outbreaks of fighting, the past conditions have not corresponded to the “unwalled” concept of Ezekiel. We now can look with great interest on the outcome of the current Geneva conference. Will it establish a Mideast peace formula that will allow Israel to feel “safe”? If so, God’s plan has taken one more notable step toward its fulfilment. We live in times full of excitement and interest.

The 4th desert war nearly finished on the 22nd October. That day, the U.N. passed a ceasefire resolution; but God gave us all one more sign —a quick glimpse of future events. Was the glimpse too quick or did you catch it? The Israelis were on the West bank of the Canal. On Oct. 23rd they resumed their advance along the road to Cairo. RUSSIA SENT A MESSAGE — EITHER THE U.N. AND AMERICA STOP THE ISRAELIS OR WE WILL SEND RUSSIAN TROOPS DOWN TO STOP THEM! The war stopped next day! We were within a day of Russia coming “from the uttermost parts of the north”. America alarmed the world by putting her troops on ALERT STAGE 3. It didn’t happen this time; but Oct. 23rd showed that our confident Bible expectations are perfectly feasible and it is very much in the minds of Gog.

Poor Britain! The week before Christmas, I was shopping in London by kerosene lamp! Streets in gloom. 3-day working week. Worst trade balance in 30 years. At the height of her power and glory she sponsored Palestine for the Jews and cleared the Turk from the Holy Land. Half a century later, she has lost all her empire, is a “fourth rate power” and is almost in economic ruin, having tried to turn back thousands of returning Israelis, voted against Israel in the U.N. 5 times (America hasn’t yet) and courted the Arabs for oil and business reasons. God is at work again. “I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee” —so important a principle that it is recorded 4 times in the first 4 Bible books.

Watergate and President Nixon:- What a mess! Nothing is to hinder God’s purpose in the Mideast. Russia will come down in confidence. America’s influence will have declined to the point that even a STAGE 3 alert will not be a deterrent. Even now, despite a bold front, America has lost the armed forces numbers game — Russia is way out in front. We can see the dismantling of the most powerful military and economic nation the world has ever seen, while the sheer numbers of Soviet forces and the massive weight of raw materials allow Russia to grow unchallenged.

With all the world now realising the awful truth of finite resources and the delicate balance of politics, people and produce — that things cannot go on as they were, and basic ways of life MUST CHANGE if life on earth is to go on — it is our great responsibility to pass on the solution, the good news of the kingdom, and to rejoice in the continuing fulfilment of our expectations, “for our redemption draweth nigh”