The hand of God rests heavily upon the nations. This has again been demonstrated in the last few days of January and the first week of February.

Britain, eagerly seeking entrance to the European Common Market, has been rebuffed by the uncompromising attitude of General De Gaulle, who it seems, is ready in the name of France to decry Britain and the United States.

The General feels that the U.S.A. is simply using Britain as a trojan horse in order to impose her will and policies upon Europe and to further her own ends. He seems to forget that, without these two western allies, France might never have risen to her present position as leader of Europe.

Our expectations as students of the prophetic Word have led us to see Britain as separate from Europe. Among the reasons for this, we may state that the British Isles are not predominantly Catholic, as is the Continent, and, as Dr. Thomas pointed out in Elpis Israel and elsewhere the British dominion has never been an integral part of the Roman Empire, and therefore is not one of the ten-toed kingdoms.

Furthermore, as the power styled “The Merchants of Tarshish” together with all the “Young Lions” thereof, she must yet be prepared to do battle against the Continental powers in the Land of Israel, at the time of Gog’s great move.

While most people expect to see the Mother-country enter the European family of nations, we, guided by the scripture, could not reconcile this view with the Divine will expressed through the prophet Ezekiel (chap. 38).

In the present stand by France, who ranges herself against Britain and her Atlan­tic merchant-cousin, can we not see a great step forward in the prophetic programme? The stage is surely being set for Russia to play her role as master of Europe, and then to seek world dominion.

The finger of God, however, has unerr­ingly pointed to the final solution. How good is the advice, “Put not your trust in princes nor in the sons of men”. World statesmen may propose as they will, but it is the Almighty who will dispose of the nations as He wishes.

As we await further moves toward the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, will we see a chastened but isolated and strengthened Britain regaining a greater measure of her former prestige than she now experiences?

Whatever Britain’s fortunes, we have seen enough to convince us that what God has promised He will indeed perform. Time is precious. Men and women are dying eternally because they know not the power and the purpose of God.

We can have complete confidence in that which has been committed to our trust. We cannot allow weakness and indecision to impede the great task of proclaiming “The things concerning the Kingdom of God, and the Name of Jesus Christ”.

Let us be warned and strengthened by the things which we see about us.