There still remains serious trouble and grief for Jewry, not only those in Israel, but also those in other parts of the world. Naturally, it is hard to understand why millions of non-Jews hate them so much, and why some would kill them all. To those who believe the Bible and study prophecy, it is evident that it will need the Eternal God and the Lord Jesus Christ to save the Jews. If everybody loved the Jews, then prophecy would not be correct. God will soon inter­vene and send Jesus Christ, the Messiah, back to the earth to establish His Kingdom, which will be the Kingdom of Israel restored.

We should remember that this is the year 1960. Jesus Christ was born 4,000 years after the creation of man, so it means that the present age has been 5,960 years in existence. The seventh-thousand year will see the coming of God’s Kingdom, with Jerusalem as the capital city, from where Jesus Christ will be King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

It is therefore essential that we have great interest in prophecy, particularly as it con­cerns God’s saving the Jews from their enemies.

The year 1960 has brought a lot of trouble amongst the nations and some leaders are worried about the future. Not all of them know much of what the Bible says about the future of the nations, but to those who study it and have faith in the plan of God, there is joy and happiness, for current events prove without doubt that Jesus Christ will soon return to the world to give personal salva­tion, and fulfill all the promises God made to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David.

Israel Prime Minister

The Israel Prime Minister, Mr. David Ben­Gurion, conferred with President Eisenhower for two hours recently at the White House while anti-Zionists paraded outside. Israeli sources said Mr. Ben-Gurion came to Washington to express concern about the flow of Soviet-bloc arms to the United Arab Republic, not to seek pledges of arms assistance from the United States. It was regretted that Arab diplomats had shown great hostility to Mr. Ben-Gurion for a few days before, in fact the envoys of 10 Arab nations called on the Secretary of State, Mr. Herter, to express concern about the possible effects of his visit. The United Arab Republic Embassy issued a statement that Mr. Ben-Gurion’s visit was part of a Zionist plan to commit more aggression against the Arabs.

In the snow-covered street outside the White House, police had to turn away about 50 anti-Zionist demonstrators, carrying plac­ards, who were trying to picket the gate through which Mr. Ben-Gurion’s car passed. The demonstrators were told it was against the law to picket within 500 feet of any person, such as the Israeli Prime Minister, who had diplomatic immunity. The demon­strators included Arab students. While Mr. Ben-Gurion was inside the White House, four members of the self-styled American Nazi Party, wearing swastika armbands, arrived outside the north-west gate and tried to set up a picket line. Police acted and quickly turned them away. After leaving the President’s Office, Mr. Ben-Gurion told reporters that he had been encouraged by his talk with the President.

I again draw your attention to the fact that it will take God, finally, to save all the Jews. Mr. Ben-Gurion is trying to make Israel a strong nation, and as Israel had to become a nation, indirectly he is carrying out the Divine plan.

Prime Minister’s Statement

Mr. Ben-Gurion made this statement in Israel on the Syrian border incident : “We shall make every possible attempt to preserve peace, but . . .if there is no other choice to preserve the lives of our men and our sovereignty in the area, we shall be compelled to make use—as we made use last night—even of force”.

This statement was made in the Knesset in reply to the Herut and Communist motions on the action taken by Israel forces in the early hours of the same morning to expel Syrian troops who had dug themselves in on Israeli territory in the demilitarized zone south of Lake Kinneret (the sea of Galilee).

In the area of the demilitarized zone now under consideration, the Prime Minister recalled,

“There are lands in Jewish ownership and there are lands in Arab ownership. We have recognized and we recognize the right of the owners of the land to cultivate their land. But we do not recognize any right of the Syrians to interfere … in all the areas of the demilitarized zones which are in Israel territory, on this side of the border between ourselves and Syria. We have informed the United Nations Forces of this in no uncertain terms, and we stand by what we have said. Accordingly, we have permitted the Arab owners to cultivate the parcels of land they have in this area”.

The Jews were trying, as far as possible, to preserve quiet on the borders, as the Prime Minister has always done. However, we know that the Arabs around Israel are against the Jews being there and will do anything to get them out. But the Jews have an army and, if necessary can counter force themselves. However, what it states in Ezekiel will come to pass : great nations will try to put all Jews out of Israel, and the plan of God will come into operation. The Jews will then get on their knees and ask God to save them.

Danger Of Anti-Semitic Acts

The Government of Israel has warned the world of the danger to humanity involved in the anti-Semitic outrages that have been taking place recently in many countries. Israel’s diplomatic representatives abroad have been cabling daily reports to the Foreign Ministry on the continued wave of anti-Semitic manifestations and on official reaction and press comment in their respec­tive countries

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has instructed Israel’s representatives in countries where such acts took place to submit to the Government of the countries concerned a note expressing the profound shock felt by public opinion in Israel. One leader in Israel declared that the appearance of the swastika in Germany and other countries would be more dangerous at present than when it was first used by the Nazis..

Mr. Pinhas Rosen, Minister for Justice, said,

“The Government and the people of Israel are sensitive and alert to anything that affects our brethren in the lands of the dispersion. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs immediately instructed Israel’s representatives abroad to keep a close watch on the details and character of the anti-Semitic acts and the reactions of the Governments and public opinion in the major countries. The Government of Israel will act on the basis of the reports that reach it. We have been shocked and concerned at the manifestations of hatred and incitement against the Jews that have taken place in Germany and spread from there to other countries. I propose that the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee should discuss ways and means of transmitting a grave warning to the States of the world”.

Safeguard Against Destruction

“For a long time to come, Israel’s foreign policy will have one aim : to safeguard the country against its neighbours’ obsession with Israel’s destruction”, the Foreign Minister, Mrs. Golda Meier, recently stated at a public meeting in Tel Aviv. “Israel is not indifferent to the general problems of peace and security in the world”, Mrs. Meier added, “but she is confronted not only by the danger of being swept away in the general disaster of a third world war, but also by the dangers of a grave regional dispute.”

“The Israel Foreign Service had to be continuously on the alert to make other governments realize our position. Opposed to every Israel diplomat in a foreign capital were several Arabs doing their best to undermine our interests”, she declared. She also stated, “Israel is prepared at any moment to do every­thing within its power to help solve the problem of the Arab refugees”.

Asked when the day would come when Israel could make its contribution, Mrs. Meier said that it was necessary for Arab rulers to recognise the existence of the State of Israel. There is no doubt that Israel’s now being a nation has caused the trouble against them. It is a miracle how Israel is still separate from all Gentiles. That is God’s purpose and it has continued, even though the Jews until recently were in every nation of the world. They still want to go back to Israel. The Jews there welcome them all and do what they can to make them happy.

In reply to another question, the Foreign Minister declared that it would be one of the happiest days in the lives of her people when the first agriculturists, teachers and doctors walk across the border to extend assistance to neighbouring countries.

The Jews want peace with all the world. However, they are aware that many nations are against them, and therefore they must have a strong army to repulse Arabs and others trying to get into Israel. It is known that the Jews can defend themselves against the Arab nations around them, but they know that if big nations come down they would be defeated and lost.


It states in Psalm 77. 14, “Thou art the God that doest wonders ; thou hast declared thy strength among the people”. This really means that God is regarded as wonderful and perfect. God is going to do what will surprise millions, cause wonder, miracles, and alter the set-up of the whole world. The Psalmist was speaking from experience, knowledge and faith. It is our duty and privilege to consider the wonderful verse referred to and realise that we should join in its sentiments. It also says in Psalm 105. 5, “Remember his marvellous works that he hath done : his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth”. It is necessary that we have a proper knowledge of the plan of God. No wonder it states in Psalm 96. 3, ‘Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people”. This makes it essential that, when we preach the gospel, we should also refer to the great wonders of God.

I feel it necessary to quote from Daniel 4. 2, “I thought it good to spew the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought toward me”. Daniel was a practical man who loved God and referred to the wonders that had been shown him. We have seen even greater events lately than Daniel did, so we too should give attention to prophecy, particularly the things concerning Israel and the world. The people of Israel are praying as never before for the coming of the Messiah.