When Will Our Lord Jesus Christ Come?

This question has always been the subject of conjecture and is still; but the FACT of His coming has been determined by God, and the day likewise. We have been warned to be always on the watch lest that day overtake us un­aware, for as a snare shall it come upon the whole earth. By the world clock we are in the latter half of the year 1972, and the 20th century has witnessed some startling events, but they are as nothing compared to the stupendous events which lie ahead. Today, the world presents a picture of overspreading violence, destruction, corruption, hatred, crime and immorality such as the world has never witnessed on such a gigantic scale, and there is worse to come.

What is our relationship to such an environment? Those who read the Scriptures daily, year after year, are well aware that the time of the end will bring events and pressures of such a character upon the believers that they will long for the coming of their Lord. The day of his coming, then, assumes an importance we dare not ignore, and will not, if we “love His appearing.”

The Time of His Coming

What are the events which lead to His return? They are set forth in the Word, and it is for the watchers to identify them if they can. When we study world events in the light of the prophetic Word we are confronted by the fact that we are not infallible interpreters of these prophecies and must do the best we can and always be prepared to heed what the watchers discern and draw our own ideas from their varied conjectures. There are definite statements we may make from the Word regarding the time of the Lord’s return. He will judge the (responsible) living and the dead at His appearing. The truths are linked: His return, the resurrection and judgment. If we read Dan 12:1-2 we find the two latter events take place in a “time of trouble, such as never was”.

Similarly we find it recorded that the two events take place at a time of “angry nations”. (Rev 11:18). Obviously, the return of the Lord must take place before the resurrection and judgment. This fact is plainly stated in Rev 16:15. In the three chapters quoted details are given of certain events which will precede His coming. We have to watch as and when they take place and endeavour to understand them accordingly.

In what direction shall we look? The fact of the sixth vial being poured out upon the great river Euphrates leads us to conjecture that the Middle East is the area concerned. Note the objective: “that the way might be made ready for the kings that come from the sunrising” (R.V.). Facts are revealed concerning the divine programme, and we endeavour to follow it by possiblo applications. We believe the kings of the sunrising are the immortal saints, those who have watched and kept their garments (verse 15). These, two facts are linked. But who are those accounted worthy to be made immortal? The decision will be made by the One who says, “Behold I come as a thief”. The judgment must “sit” and a place must be “made ready” for that judgment to be carried out.

Dragon, Beast and False Prophet

The time will be when the nations are “angry”. What makes them angry? The facts are given in the section dealing with the sixth vial. The nations are driven by the “spirits of demons” which will go forth forcing the nations to an unprecedented state of warfare. The facts are stated, the interpretation of the facts are matters involving conjecture. We are of the opinion that the events under this vial have never been fulfilled; that the unclean spirits like frogs have not yet gone forth. Because of the links with the other chapters already quoted, we would take the view that inasmuch as tho dragon of the 12th chapter of the Apocalypse was Pagan Rome operating in the “Middle East” against “Christianity”, so the dragon of Rev 16:13 will be the power gaining control of that area,which we believe will be atheist Russia. At  the time of writing another struggle for power is taking place in Russia, and whoever “wins” will become the mouthpiece of its policy.

The “beast” is in the course of development, basically Germanic but with France striving to get her own national interests to the force. In the course of time the stirrings in the “abyss” will take final shape and reveal the source of this “unclean spirit”.

The reference to the “false prophet” or teacher is a personal one. We believe that this can apply only to the Papacy, especially if we read Rev 19:20. Again, this can only apply to the last Pope as the one indicated in 2 Thess. 2 and who will be annihilated by the presence of the Real Christ. The present Pope is 75 years of age and much speculation is being made as to whether he will still continue in office. Time will tell, but whoever it is will be an outstanding Man according to the inspired description by Paul the apostle.

The Times of Daniel

All these developments must be watched, but we must look at Daniel for information as to what “sparks off” these final events. Daniel chapter 8 records a vision covered by a period of 2300 days or years, as we understand. The importance of this vision is the revelation of what happens at the end of the period. Whatever it is, it will be clear and definite for the “wise” to understand, for it will speak and not lie. At this stage let us be careful of applying passages of Scripture to tho present restoration of the Jews which will not be fulfilled until the Lord returns. We cannot lose sight of the fact that although we are “prejudiced” in favour of Israel, they are still “transgressors” in the sight of God; they still reject God and His Son and rely upon their own “arm of flesh”. Daniel 8:23-27 states that when “the transgress­ors are come to the full” a fierce power desolates the Land and the people because of their transgressions, as Daniel chapter 9 indicates.

The fierce power strikes on the wing or pinnacle of the “abominations” i.e. when the “transgressors” have come to the full. What sets off these final operations? According to Dan. 11:40 it is a contention of the king of the south (Egypt) with the king of the north. We believe this king of the north is Russia, and at the time of the and the vision is to speak in no uncertain voice when we witness the full development of the “king who shall do according to his will”, because he worships no god but the god of forces. We believe Russia to be this atheist power referred to in Dan.11:36-39 – the power which devotes its main wealth to armaments, making it the mightiest power the world has ever known.

Russia, Syria and Egypt

The contention of Egypt with Russia was due to the fact that Russia.was not doing what Egypt required in their aggression against Israel. No one is naive enough to think that Russia, who is owed about £3000 millions by Egypt, is going to wipe it off as a bad debt; and the Scriptures state what will happen. President Nasser stated that the only way Israel could be invaded successfully would be from the north and the east.

At the present time Russia has close agreements with Iraq, and now she is arming Syria as she did Egypt. The ‘Guardian’ for 26/9/72 reports these activities. Syria and Iraq will become the main centers of Russian activity, and the Russian fleet is already being accommodated in Syrian harbours. So we think the stage is being set for the Russian-Syrian king of the north to overrun the Middle East and lay hold of the treasures of Egypt.

It used to be thought that before the king of the north struck, the Lord would be in the earth; but as we read Daniel 11 and 12 it would appear that these operations will commence before he does come. Some years ago we expressed the idea that “those that are alive and remain” may see the invasion of the Land portrayed on their television sets (if they have one!). No doubt some thought it somewhat fantastic, or perhaps they thought it frightening, but today direct transmission is possible from satellites, and, strange to say, Russia is opposed to the idea. Time will tell. However, the desolater is being prepared for his work, and Israel knows it: Do we?

Ezekiel 37

It has always been conjectured that the valley (plain) of dry bones prophecy of Ezekiel 37 has been fulfilled. I do not think so. A close reading of the chapter would indicate that it is not (at the time of writing) fulfilled, but it will be when two-thirds of the people in the Land shall be cut off and die. Deliverance will come to the “remnant”, and they shall look upon Him whom they pierced. What will happen in Egypt? The “fierce king” will be in occupation for a time, as he will be in Israel. If we turn to Isaiah 19 we read of the civil war which will be waged, and already in course of preparation, when the “cruel lord” will rule and eventually cause the Egyptian poor to cry unto the Lord. We must therefore, watch Egypt.

The Judgment

The events we have indicated lead to the return of the Lord; but we have expressed the view that the place of judgment must be ready. This requires other specific events to take place. Again facts are recorded. Daniel chapter 7 states that One called the “Ancient of Days” will come. There has been much speculation over this designation. We think it will be a highly placed archangel, and we have a similar description of such in Dan. 10:5,6. After the One like the Son of man comes, He is brought to the Ancient of Days. What is this place they both come to?

We believe it to be Sinai. Daniel 7:9,10 describes a scene of judgment with thousand thousands ministering to the Ancient of Days. If we read Psalm 68 we have recorded the manifestation of God in Sinai when Israel came out of Egypt, but if we read verses 17 etc, we find that there will be another manifestation of God in Sinai, and the phraseology of verse 17 is similar to Dan 7:9,10.

We believe Sinai will be the place of judgment, and angelic operations will be necessary to prepare for it. The desolater will have to do his work and leave upon hearing tidings out of the north and east, probably from China, which is what Russia fears. Egypt will probably be in a state of desolation due to the Nile drying up. All the lands to the South of Israel will be in divine hands, and the work of judgment by the appointed Judge carried out.

Meanwhile, the full development of the papal controlled Europe will have taken place, in the course of which papal persecution of the saints will take place as Daniel 7:21 indicates. Much more might be written, but we trust enough has been conjectured to help our beloved brethren and sisters of the Christ to watch and understand what is taking place in the world of today. Time will settle much, no doubt, but above all may the blessing of our Father rest upon the readers, to. the end that they may be ready and prepared for the Lord, and receive the precious gift of eternal life and happiness in the Kingdom of God when “sorrow and sighing” shall for ever flee away. Amen.