The year 1848 saw the publication of Dr. Thomas’ work “Elpis Israel”, which was to remain a standard work for the Truth in these latter days. Our brother’s exposition of the prophetic Word led the brotherhood to hold great hopes that the years immediately ahead would witness the mighty events associated with the end of the age and the return of Christ to the earth.

His forecast regarding Britain in Egypt and her interest in Palestine proved correct. Today we behold the colossus of Russia astride the continents of Europe and Asia. Israel after 2,000 years of exile have returned to the land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

In connection with these affairs it is almost sensational, but surely not unexpected, to find an English political magazine (“Intelligence Digest”, April, May, 1963) declaring that the decision has already been taken for a war against Israel. It is asserted that Russia will first use the Arabs to attack Israel. The reason given for this is that neither Britain nor America would be prepared to use atomic weapons merely in defence of the Jews. Then, before the two western powers could recover, Russia would intervene and thereby achieve a lightning victory.

Surely these are terrible but wonderful days in which to live. Things which 100 years ago were only a hope are today being forecast by political writers as almost immediate events. If these people can read the signs of the times, then how great is the warning to the servants of God in the affairs that surround us?

Christadelphians everywhere, Awake! Christ is almost at the door. Did not Jesus say, “Ye are the salt of the earth”? But he also said, “If the salt have lost its savor. . .”

Unfortunately, the record of the Truth is one of divisions, of striving for power by groups and individuals, even from the first century. Apathy has existed where there should have been keenness and energy; the proclamation of the Truth has oft times languished for the sake of personal comfort or the fear of criticism. Such a state of affairs can no longer be tolerated.

First, every member of the body of Christ must keenly absorb the Word vouchsafed to his keeping, for we must all understand our faith and the reasons for it.

Secondly, we must see that we each as individuals live what we preach, in the home, in business circles and in the world generally .We cannot afford an empty profession.

Thirdly, the ecclesias to which we belong must become effective units for carrying the Gospel to the limits of this land.

“Behold, I stand at the door!”

Yes—positively—-how plain the signs!