To the waiting servants of God, the signs of the times have always been filled with the portent of things to come.

Europe united and at peace, has long been a dream of statesmen of France, Germany, Britain and the U.S.A. Premier Briand of France, some thirty years ago, campaigned for a United States of Europe. Mr. Churchill and other great statesmen also wished to see this eventuate. But it has been left until now for the dream to be translated into fact. Our latest news is that the European Common Market will shortly be extended. You will remember that the E.C.M. itself was established by the Treaty of Rome: strange that this unifying move should have come from that city!

Many see this economic union as a Russian expansion.

However, as students of prophesy, surely the most important point of interest at pres­ent is, “Will Britain join this union or con­federacy of powers?”

Ezekiel the prophet in his 38th chapter indicates that Britain will be isolated from the powers of Europe at the end of the times of the Gentiles, and will be found in support of Israel.

Mr. McMillan has said that while great benefits could be Britain’s by her member­ship, yet there is a price too high to pay. It would appear that Britain has the choice of joining the European powers, and being but one of a coalition, or on the other hand of retaining her leadership of the British Commonwealth, with the loyalty and ties of the “Young Lions” and perhaps a more limited economic benefit. What will Britain choose?

We do not know all the details of history but this much may be a fair conclusion. If Britain does join she will also at some future time have to withdraw. On the other hand will she join at all? The writer feels that Britain is faced with one of, if not the greatest decisions in her long history. Upon this decision will rest the prosperity of Australia particularly, and also the other Commonwealth countries.

This much has thus far emerged from the mass of evidence. France continues to lead Europe and the world to the battle of the great day of God Almighty, for France is virtually the senior partner in this new alliance, which has been alluded to by a writer from the American magazine “Life and Time” as the virtual restoration of the Holy Roman Empire, or at least a grouping again of the countries brought together by the emperor Charles the Great or Charle­magne in the 8th century A.D. Viewed in this light there is an ominous portent in present events.

Surely as watchmen in the scriptural sense we will follow with keen and un­abated interest the hand of God in world affairs. Let us be strong in faith, serving God instantly day and night, knowing there is one thing certain, not merely Europe but the whole world will be united under Him “who shall arise to reign over the earth, and in Him shall the Gentiles trust”.