Mountains, Rivers and Land
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
The Global Language of the Flood in Genesis
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Is Noah’s Flood a Global Reversal of the Genesis Creation?
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
The Rainbow in Genesis
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Mesopotamian Local Floods as a Historical Argument for a Local Flood in Genesis
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Geographical Perspectives in Genesis 2-6
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Marginal Notes on 2 Samuel 7:19
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
The Gentile Mission and the Tabernacle of David
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Deuteronomistic History in Romans 2 and 3 (Part Three) – Romans 3
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
A First Century Charismatic Community
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Inter-Generational Scholarship
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Using the New Testament in the Old Testament
No 2, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Psalm 110 and the Assumption of the Davidic Throne
No 2, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
The Therapeutae Religious Sect, Miriam and 1 Corinthians
No 2, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
The Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice and Tongues
No 2, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
The Name of Cyrus in Isaiah 44:28
No 2, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Fashions in Biblical Scholarship
No 2, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Marginal Notes on Isa 66:1
No 1, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Market Place Oracles
No 1, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
The Restoration of Israel
No 1, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
The End of Eschatology
No 1, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Demarcating Prophetic Oracles
No 1, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Editorial on the Current State of Advanced Biblical Studies
No 1, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 2 (2008)
Does Hebrews Presuppose the Pre-existence of the Son?
No 4, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 1 (2007)
An Ironic Cyrus
No 4, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 1 (2007)
John 1:10: How can Jesus be the One Through whom the World was Made?
No 4, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 1 (2007)
Marginal Notes on Isaiah 52:11
No 3, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 1 (2007)
Contextualizing Prophetic Oracles (Part 1) – Babylon in Isaiah 13-14
No 1, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 1 (2007)
Understanding Demons (Part 2) – Hellenistic and Jewish Demonology
No 2, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 1 (2007)
The Manifestation of the Spirit at Pentecost
No 2, The Christadelphian eJournal of Biblical Interpretation, Vol 1 (2007)