The Atonement: Discussion on Terminology

I should like to thank The Testimony for producing a special issue on the subject of the Atonement, which I read with interest. I believe more attention should be paid to this aspect of God’s work in Christ, the very …

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Correspondence : Psychology and the Bible


Our contributor sends us further correspondence. Earlier letters appeared in The Testimony for October and November.

Will correspondents who wish to discuss points raised in The Testimony please note that their letters should be addressed to the Editorial Secretary, …

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A Priest after the Order of Melchizedek

The writer to the Hebrews sees in Christ the perfect Sacrificial Offering, whose shed blood would represent the Great Atonement for the remission of sins. Not remission for all in the universal sense, but rather for those who enter into …

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Redemption Of The Body

This state of vanity and corruption was the result. of God’s will — deliberately subjecting the creature to the curse of evil against its own will: but in the hope of ultimately reclaiming what had been lost.

That which had …

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