Notes on John 1

“In the beginning was the word.” (Jno. 1:1)

Nearly all commentators regard this verse as evidence for the theory that Jesus had a personal pre-existence before he was born in Bethlehem, but this idea is by no means inherent in this …

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Idolatry – Past and Present

In the past few weeks our daily readings have taken us through the latter portion of 2 Chronicles, where is recorded the reigns of Manasseh and Jehoiakim under which the Kingdom of Judah sank to the lowest ebb in its …

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Mark 11 – Jesus’ Ride into Jerusalem

The first part of chapter 11 of Mark’s gospel describes the incident in the ministry of Jesus which is commemorated by Christen­dom on Palm Sunday. This is the ride into Jerusalem of our Lord. It is an incident which we …

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Reflections on the Gospel of John

Amongst all the writings of the New Testa­ment, the epistles and let­ters of the apostle John stand alone in style and thought. What is it that contributes to the immense popularity of John’s gospel? For example, this book has by …

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