At the time of the appearance of the Revised Version of the New Testament, brother J. J. Andrew, of London, on the 26th of June, delivered a lecture on its excellencies and shortcomings from the point of view of the truth. Hearing thereof, the Editor of the Christadelphian made request that the readers of the Christadelphian might have the benefit of the lecture if it were possible to reproduce it. Brother Andrew now replies: “In response to your request, I have succeeded, amid many interruptions—domestic, commercial, and ecclesial—in completing in MS. my lecture on the Revised Version, which I send herewith.” He also states that the lecture, as now supplied, is “with additions.” We propose to let the lecture appear in instalments; and we cannot better occupy this department for a month or two, than by giving it the place intended originally for editorial remarks on the subject. We feel certain our readers will be of that mind when they peruse the discriminating and profitable remarks and criticisms that characterise brother Andrew’s lecture throughout.