- 1 Cor 8:6: Monotheistic Christology by Andrew Perry (July, 2016)
- What is a Bible Student? by Andrew Perry (July, 2016)
- The Promises Made To Abraham by Debbie Swan (September - October, 1983)
- Coping God’s Designs by John Nicholls (February, 1994)
- The Childhood Of Jesus by Tom Griffiths (November - December, 1976)
- Carmel-The Green Mountain by John V. Collyer (February, 1994)
- “I Can Do all Things Through Christ” – Philippians 4 v 13 by D. M. Elliott (March, 1994)
- Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone by Trevor Maher (March, 1994)
- Whom should we Fear? God or Man? by Colin Edwards (April, 1994)
- Abraham’s Camels by John V. Collyer (January, 1994)
- The Vision of the Cherubim (Ezekiel 2 & 3) – Ezekiel Commissioned and Instructed by John Allfree (September - October, 1970)
- Who is Immanuel? by Paul Wyns (April, 2016)
- Review of “The Hebrew Gospel & The Development of the Synoptic Tradition” (2009) by James Edwards by Thomas Gaston (April, 2016)
- Matt 27:46 – When did God leave Jesus behind? by Andrew Perry (April, 2016)
- Eph 2:16 – Reconciliation of Jew and Gentile through Christ by Andrew Perry (April, 2016)
- What roles could a woman perform? (Rebuttal) by Andrew Perry (April, 2016)
- What roles could a woman perform? by Thomas Gaston (April, 2016)
- How did the Middle-Eastern world of c.1900 become the Middle–Eastern World of post-1945? by Andrew Wilson (April, 2016)
- Closure and Conclusion in Matt 13:44-52 by Benedict Kent (April, 2016)
- Colossians 1:15-20: The Wisdom of Christological Monotheism by Andrew Perry (April, 2016)
- New Perspectives, Historical Context and Textual Problems in Psalm 22 by Paul Wyns (April, 2016)
- Adam, Israel and the Messiah by Andrew Perry (April, 2016)
- Faulty assumptions about what the Bible is and what it is for by Thomas Gaston (April, 2016)
- What is the meaning of Isaiah 31:5, “As birds flying, etc.”? by F. H. Whiteley (November, 1936)
- Who Made the Request to sit at Jesus’ Right Hand? by P. H. Adams (November, 1936)
- The Vision of the Cherubim (Ezekiel 1:22-28) – The Glory Of Yahweh by John Allfree (July – August, 1970)
- The Thousand Year Chapter – Revelation 20 by Ray Pearce (September - October, 1974)
- The Wheels Of The Cherubic Chariot (Ezekiel 1:15-21) by John Allfree (May – June, 1970)
- The Vision of the Cherubim (Ezekiel 1:6-12) by John Allfree (March - April, 1970)
- The Vision of the Cherubim (Ezekiel 1:1-5) by John Allfree (January – February, 1970)
- Review of “The Original Ending of Mark” (2014) by Lunn by Andrew Perry (January, 2016)
- The Spirit of the Lord in Isa 40:7,13 by Andrew Perry (January, 2016)
- The cruelty of a husband, the love of a father, and a war that ended a golden age… by M. Mansfield (January, 2016)
- Ezekiel 38: A Chapter to Remember by Andrew Wilson (January, 2016)
- The Themes and Structure of Matthew 13:44-52 by Benjamin Kent (January, 2016)
- Some Thoughts on 1 Corinthians 8:6 and the Shema by Thomas Gaston (January, 2016)
- Philippians 2:5-11: Divine Identity through Manifestation by Andrew Perry (January, 2016)
- Appealing to Authority by Andrew Perry (January, 2016)
- Dating the Hebrew Language and Grammar of Ecclesiastes by Paul Wyns (January, 2016)
- Wise Men from the East by Ray Walker (November - December, 1970)
- Agur and Lemauel by Ray Walker (September - October, 1970)
- Jethro and Balaam by Ray Walker (July – August, 1970)
- Job 2: The Message of the Book by Ray Walker (May – June, 1970)
- Job 1: The Arabian Background by Ray Walker (March - April, 1970)
- The Origin of the Arabians by Ray Walker (January – February, 1970)
- The Jewish High Priests by Bill Form (March, 1993)
- The Kings and Governors of Palestine by Bill Form (February, 1993)
- The Emperors of Rome and the Legates of Syria by Bill Form (January, 1993)
- Prelude to the Jewish War by Bill Form (December, 1992)
- The Tribes of Levi (1 Chron 6): The High Priestly Line by Tony Benson (January - February, 1980)
- The Tribe of Levi (1 Chron 6): Gershonites & Descendants of Asaph by Tony Benson (July - August, 1979)
- The Tribe of Levi (1 Chron 6): Divisions of the Priests by Tony Benson (May - June, 1979)
- The Tribe of Judah (1 Chron 2:3-4:23): Descendants of Jerahmeel, Hezron, Caleb & the Kennites by Tony Benson (March - April, 1979)
- The Tribe of Judah (1 Chron 2:3-4:23): Descendants of Caleb by Tony Benson (January - February, 1978)
- The Tribe of Judah (1 Chron 2:3-4:23): Descendants of Ram (Part 3) by Tony Benson (November - December, 1978)
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