- Being in the Form of God — Philippians 2:6-8 by Tim Ryan (August, 1993)
- Do Something – Idleness is Fatal by Don Styles (April, 1998)
- The Parable of The Talents by Eve Stanley (March, 2000)
- Comparing Micah 5:2 with Matthew 2:6. by Troy Haltom (January, 1991)
- Job, Jesus and James by Shirley Robinson (December, 1998)
- How Are The Dead Raised Up? – 1 Corinthians 15 by Fred Brinkerhoff (January, 1991)
- The General Nature of the Law of Moses by Islip Collyer (July, 2002)
- Ten Commandments and the Mosaic Law Foundation Principle by Islip Collyer (February, 2001)
- The Feast of Tabernacles by Islip Collyer (March, 2003)
- Guidance for Judges – Lessons from Nadab and Abihu by Islip Collyer (April, 2001)
- Witchcraft under the Law of Moses and the Witch of Endor by Islip Collyer (April, 2002)
- Prophetic shadows – The Rock, The Bronze Serpent & the sons of Merari by Islip Collyer (October, 2002)
- Hidden prophecies in the ritual of the Law by Islip Collyer (April, 2003)
- The cleansing of the Leper under the Law of Moses by Islip Collyer (October, 2003)
- Paul’s discerning Mind by John Brewis (March, 1958)
- Paul’s tutor Gamaliel by John Brewis (March, 1958)
- Paul’s early training in the Law by John Brewis (February, 1958)
- “Heirs according to the promise” – Galatians 3:29 by Dennis M. Elliott (November, 2003)
- The Choosing of Apostle Paul by John Brewis (July - August, 1958)
- Preface by George BookerandTroy Halton (, 1978)
- Jesus Christ, David and Abraham by Aude PlewandNorman P. Sweeney (September, 1958)
- Removing Mountains-Faith at Work by David Green (January, 1994)
- The Wedding Garment by Ernest Styles (June, 1958)
- The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men by Malcolm Edwards (November, 2002)
- The Faithful God of Revelation by Dudley Fifield (November - December, 1974)
- The Hills of Jerusalem at the Time of Zerubbael by Editorial Committee of the Shield (February, 1960)
- Jude – To continue Earnestly in the Faith (February, 1957)
- First Seal of an Israelite King Discovered by Tony Benson (October, 1997)
- ‘Saved in Childbearing’ (1 Tim.2:15) – Natural Birth by George BookerandTroy Haltom (January - February, 1977)
- The significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls by Tony Benson (October, 2002)
- The Importance of Bible Study by Eric Marshall (June, 1977)
- Review: The ‘Vicar Of Christ’ Exposed by Joan Lewis (January - February, 1993)
- Hosea 1:1-2:1 – Hosea’s wife and the naming of her Children by David Baird (, 1987)
- Evidence of the existence of Jesus from Ancient Historians by Mark Dennes (, 1987)
- The Most Dramatic Event of All Time (Ezekiel 38 and Zechariah 12) by Islip Collyer (, 1987)
- The first part of John Carter’s Lecture on God-Manifestation by John Carter (, 1987)
- Notes on features of Romans 5:12 to be taken into account when writing about sin by Andrew Perry (October, 2016)
- Review of “The Word Became Flesh” (2016) by Graham Jackman by Thomas Gaston (October, 2016)
- Review of “A Peculiar Glory” (2016) by John Piper by Thomas Gaston (October, 2016)
- Review of “Satan and Demons in the Apostolic Fathers” (2016) by Jonathan Burke by Thomas Gaston (October, 2016)
- The Political geography of the Middle East in the time of Ezekiel by Andrew Wilson (October, 2016)
- Analysis of the eschatology in 1 Thess 4:13-5:11 and 2 Thess 1:5-2:12 by Benedict Kent (October, 2016)
- An Intertextual Analysis of Ezekiel 38 (Part 1) by Paul Wyns (October, 2016)
- Galatians 4 – Made of a Woman by Andrew Perry (October, 2016)
- Evaluating other texts about Creation by Andrew PerryandPaul Wyns (October, 2016)
- The Power of Scriptures by Brian Woodall (November - December, 1981)
- Who Was Jehu’s Father? by D. M. Elliott (July, 1996)
- The Library of St. Catherine’s Monastery digitises ancient texts by Andrew Perry (July, 2016)
- Anti-Semitic Events leading to Balfour by Andrew Wilson (July, 2016)
- How does eschatology function in 2 Thessalonians? by Benedict Kent (July, 2016)
- Proverbs 31:10-31: The Virtuous Woman by Rachel Madden (July, 2016)
- Is Romans 9:5 a proof text for the deity of Christ? by Andrew Perry (July, 2016)
- Titus 2:13: Does “The Great God” refer to Christ? by Andrew Perry (July, 2016)
- Four criteria for identifying the church of Jesus by Andrew Perry (July, 2016)
- First Century Background of James by Paul Wyns (July, 2016)
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