- A possible explanation for the crossing of the River Jordan by C. H. Arnold (February, 1935)
- Did Israel pass through the Red Sea? by Philip Hall (February, 1935)
- Did Africans descend from Ham, or did they escape the flood and descend directly from Adam? by W. J. Young (December, 1934)
- Was Job a historical figure and is the book of Job allegorical? by F. E. Mitchell (January – February, 1935)
- Interpretation of Dan. 12:4: “Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased” by P. H. Adams (January, 1935)
- How to understand 1 Cor. 11. 4-7? by F. Lindars (January, 1935)
- Why do the scriptures use “heart” instead of “mind”? by Wilfred Riding (October, 1934)
- What does Eccl. 7:16 “Be not righteous overmuch; neither make thyself over-wise” mean? by C. H. Arnold (October, 1934)
- What was the length of time from the Exodus until Solomon’s Temple? by C. H. Arnold (October, 1934)
- How to explain the discrepancy between the 50 silver shekels in 2 Sam 24:24, and the 600 gold shekels in 1 Chron 21:25? by C. H. Arnold (October, 1934)
- Does Genesis suggest that God made light before the sun and moon? by W. H. Hill (October, 1934)
- God says in Gen. 1:26, “Let us make man in our image after our likeness”. Does “us” refer to God or to angels? by H. J. Finch (
- Is the difference between Rom 11:26 and Isa 59:20, or Ps 14:7 due to the NT use of the Septuagint? by C. H. Arnold (July - August, 1933)
- Was the Passover Lamb eaten on the 14th or the 15th Nisan? by James Carter (June, 1974)
- Unity is Vital to God by Don Styles (, 1990)
- Five Practical Suggestions for solving Ecclesial Problems by Don Styles (, 1990)
- Solving an Ecclesial Problem – A Case Study from Acts 6:1-8 by Don Styles (, 1990)
- Every Member Important by Don Styles (, 1990)
- Dividing the Body is Sin by Don Styles (, 1990)
- Many in One, One in Many – The Message of the Figures by Don Styles (, 1990)
- Preparing Believers for Rulership by Don Styles (, 1990)
- Ecclesias are for Growth by Don Styles (, 1990)
- Fundamental Points of Ecclesial Life by Don Styles (, 1990)
- The Concept of Intercession in the Scriptures by Bill Webb (November - December, 1973)
- Visual Aids by A. F. Jannaway (September - October, 1973)
- Comparison of Acts 20:28 in multiple translations by W. Hartshorn (January – February, 1965)
- Comparison of James 5:8, 2 Cor 9:15 and Matt 25:35 in different translations by W. Hartshorn (November – December, 1964)
- It if the Kingdom of God is not within us today, we cannot be in the Kingdom of God tomorrow by Leslie Johnson (September - October, 1973)
- From the Sheepcote – Reflections on the Early life of David by J. J. Ratcliffe (October, 1965)
- From the Reign of Sennacherib to the Fall of Ninevah (705 – 621 BC) by F. E. Mitchell (September, 1965)
- Israel and Assyria, from Shalmaneser to Tiglath Pileser (859 – 732 BC) by F. E. Mitchell (January, 1965)
- Plato or Christ: The Influence of Greek Philosophy on Christian Doctrine by Ray Walker (May - June, 1971)
- Comments on The New English Bible (1961) by H. Hughes (May, 1961)
- Latter Day Application of ‘Edom’ in Scriptural Prophecy by A. Chambers (June – July, 1977)
- The Symbol of Leaven and how it relates to the Memorial Emblem by Editor (September, 1960)
- Watching the Signs of the Times in 1963 by H. C. Lee (August, 1963)
- The Pope’s 1982 Visit to Britain by Geoff and Ray Walker (July - August, 1982)
- The Cities of Refuge by David Radford (January - February, 1983)
- Destruction of the Earth as a Sign of the Times by Geoff Walker (March - April, 1986)
- For thy Judgments are Good by M. M. Wauchope (November - December, 1965)
- Scriptural Counselling in Ecclesial Life by Brian Woodall (March - April, 1984)
- Jesus’ Discourse on the Bread of Life by Ray Walker (March - April, 1984)
- The Gowan Invasion: Resurrection by Margery McGregor (May – June, 1971)
- A Vision of Christ and the Kingdom of God on Earth by A. C. Dangerfield (August, 1964)
- The Herods of the New Testament by James Carter (August, 1959)
- Nehemiah the Dauntless by A. Williamson (April, 1954)
- Review of “The Nameless Longing” (1930) Hubert Louis Simpson (Part 1) by F. Whiteley (May, 1959)
- The Typology of Wells of Salvation by Paul Wyns (January, 2013)
- What do we Know about the Anti-Trinitarian Theology of Theodotus of Byzantium? by Tom Gaston (January, 2013)
- Tutankhamun: A Historical Background by F. E. Mitchell (April
- The Promises of God: A Reconsideration by H. W. Wright (August, 1960)
- Jacob shall return and shall be in rest by Bernard Burt (March - April, 1984)
- Ahaz, Isaiah and Immanuel (Isaiah 7-12) by A. Chambers ( January – February, 1976)
- An Introduction to the Emmanuel Prophecy (Isaiah 7-12) by A. Chambers (November – December, 1975)
- Signs in World Political Events for July 1987 by Reg Lake (July - August, 1987)
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