- Review of “The Agnostic Inquirer: Revelation from a Philosophical Standpoint” (2007) by Menssen & Sullivan by Tom Gaston (October, 2013)
- Review of “Paul’s Epic Journey to Rome” (2013) by Tom Barling by Tom Gaston (October, 2013)
- Review of “Fabricating Jesus: How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels” (2006) by Craig Evans by Tom Gaston (October, 2013)
- Review of “Do Historical Matters Matter To Faith?” (2012) by Tom Gaston (October, 2013)
- Extract from “Prophecy of Joel” (2013) by Mark Allfree by Mark Allfree (October, 2013)
- Summary of Key Arguments Dating the Exodus by Jonathan Burke (October, 2013)
- Why Did John Write His Gospel? by R. Dargie (October, 2013)
- Interview: Living on the Edge by Tom Gaston (October, 2013)
- The Cessation of the Spirit by Andrew Perry (October, 2013)
- The Curse on the Woman – ‘multiplying I will multiply’ by Rachel Madden (October, 2013)
- Locating the Song of Songs to the Time of Hezekiah by Paul Wyns (October, 2013)
- “The Eye of the Lord” by D. McCullen (September - October, 1971)
- How Absent is our Absent Lord? by Kevin Gould (September - October, 1971)
- Why I like the New English Bible by Walter Pearce (, 1971)
- Ezek 1:22 and the difficulties of translating figures of speech by Andrew Perry (July, 2013)
- Dating the Exodus, a History of Interpretation by Jonathan Burke (July, 2013)
- Intertextuality and the Sheep without a Shepherd by R. Dargie (July, 2013)
- The New Perspective on Paul by Graham Jackman (July, 2013)
- Using Jewish Sources in New Testament Interpretation by Andrew Perry (July, 2013)
- Did the New Testament writers know they were writing Scripture? by Tom Gaston (July, 2013)
- The Authorship of the Song of Songs by Paul Wyns (July, 2013)
- Believing the wrong things all our lives by Andrew Perry (July, 2013)
- The Yancey Trick, and How It Works by Jonathan Burke (, 2014)
- Is there any scientific explanation for the sun and moon standing still in Joshua 12 – 14? by C. H. Arnold ( January – February, 1934)
- Dwelling Together in Unity (Psalm 133) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Summary of Conclusions by George Booker (May, 1990)
- The Ecclesial Guide by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Distance and Fellowship by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “I Would They Were Even Cut Off” (Galatians 5:12) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “Unfruitful Works of Darkness” (Ephesians 5:11) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “Whose Mouths Must Be Stopped” (Titus 1:11) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “Come Out From Among Them” (2 Corinthians 6:14-17) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “A Little Leaven” (1 Corinthians 5) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Earnest Contention (Jude 3) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “From Such Withdraw Thyself” (1 Timothy 6:3-5) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “All Speak the Same Thing” (1 Corinthians 1:10) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “First Pure, Then Peaceable” (James 3) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “Walking Together” (Amos 3:3) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “Walking Disorderly” (2 Thessalonians 3) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “An Heretick” (Titus 3:10) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “Bidding God Speed” (2 John) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Is Christ Divided? (1 Corinthians 1:10-13) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Old Testament “General Teachings” by George Booker (May, 1990)
- The Fellowship of His Suffering (Isaiah 53) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- The Clean and the Unclean by George Booker (May, 1990)
- The Sin of Gibeah (Judges 19 – 21) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Casting the First Stone (John 8:1-11) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Elijah on Horeb (1 Kings 19) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- The Parable of the Pounds (Luke 19) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Hezekiah and the Imperfect Passover (2 Chronicles 30) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “Rise Up and Build” (Nehemiah) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “The Foundation of God” (Num. 16; Psa. 11; 2 Tim. 2) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- “Let a Man Examine Himself” (1 Corinthians 11) by George Booker (May, 1990)
- Did Jesus “Fellowship” Judas? by George Booker (May, 1990)
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