However, on the other side of the ledger, the liberalism of Gama­liel’s teaching is shown in his advice at the apprehension of Peter and the other apostles recorded in Acts 6: 34-40. This liberalism had an effect on Paul’s life later on, yet the words of Jesus were profoundly true when he advised those who were listening to Him in that day ; to do as the Pharisees said, but not do as they did. For they had the keys of the Kingdom of God, but they would not go in themselves, and those that would go in they hindered.

It is the teaching in Gamaliel’s school and a constant oral repeating of the lessons from the law, and testimony of the prophets, that developed in Paul a logical mind that proved invaluable later on as he reasoned out of the law and prophets proving, as he did, that this was the very Christ whom they had crucified. But here we stop to interject a word of warning. A logical mind can become a fanatical and biased one, also autocratic, insisting on its own way and inflicting its views on others about matters that are not vital.

Paul knew full well the danger of this, and had reason to, for he had experienced it himself, and thus he says to all of us to beware of those who engender strife about words to no profit, with the warning that it could be us that do so, we are not immune. To do justice to Paul’s academic studiousness one has to read Acts 22:3, Philippians 3:6, and other passages that show his concentration on the learning of the law.

But it did more than that ; it was the schoolmaster that he speaks of in Galatians 3:24-25, that led him ultimately to Christ in the fullness of mature knowledge. It is a matter of record how he mightily persuaded the Jews out of the law that Jesus was the Messiah, and he has no equal in the wonderful logical reasoning from the Law of Moses shown throughout his letters, in particular, Romans and Hebrews.

Thus for those who would know the way more perfectly, his example is nonpareil in gaining a knowledge of the old testament scriptures that are filled with wonderful Messianic promises that do so much to strengthen one’s faith. Yet, on the other hand, the simplicity of the truth is shown through an understanding of the Old Testament, as we who have come after Paul can testify, who possess a far less degree of knowledge than he did. The eunuch reading the 53rd chapter of Isaiah is a good example ; it had but to be explained to him that the one referred to in that chapter was Jesus, and it brought forth a very simple answer, I believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and

“see, here is water what doth hinder me to be baptised.”

While it is not quite that simple today, nevertheless it is not a mystery hidden so deep that only the wise and learned can understand. It is good that we never forget that grasping the fundamentals of Truth is not out of the grasp of any of us, no matter how humble our learning and education. It is dependent more on the deep yearning of a good honest heart, such will never be despised or forgotten by our loving Heavenly Father, and to such He has promised that seeking they shall find, and on knocking it shall be opened to them.