Our first stop this Issue is at Ritmeyer Archaeological Design advising in brief recent Blog updates:

For those using Accordance Bible Software Brother Ritmeyer advises on The Virtual Bible – a New Visual Resource[1] Posted on July 13, 2015 by Leen Ritmeyer:

‘Accordance Blog[2] announced the release of:

The Virtual Bible[3], a new visual resource which offers three-dimensional reconstructions of the land of Israel, first-century Jerusalem, the Herodian Temple, and more. The visuals, which include still images and video fly-throughs, were developed by Dr. Daniel Warner of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Dr. James Strange of the University of South Florida, in consultation with Leen Ritmeyer, an archaeological architect who is an expert on the Jerusalem Temple.’

Secrets of the Temple Mount[4] Posted on July 31, 2015 by Leen Ritmeyer:

‘Although visiting the Temple Mount is not always a pleasant experience these days, it is still worth the attempt. We have had good feedback from visitors who have used our guidebook[5] to find things which otherwise they would have missed. One of the little known secrets described in our book (which can be purchased here[6]) is a small window near the northwest corner of the Temple Mount. Despite its apparent insignificance, it has a large story to tell.’

Ancient Mikveh With Rare Inscriptions Found in Jerusalem[7] Posted on August 5, 2015 by Leen Ritmeyer:

‘Arutz Sheva reports[8] the finding of a 2000 year old Mikveh in Jerusalem. A Mikveh is a Jewish ritual bath used for purification purposes. The newspaper article has a video and many photographs.’

Stepped podium found in Jerusalem[9] Posted on August 31, 2015 by Leen Ritmeyer

‘The Israel Antiquities Authority announced[10] today that a stepped podium/auction block has been found in the City of David.

‘An intriguing find consisting of an impressive pyramid-shaped staircase constructed of large ashlar stones was uncovered in an archaeological excavation currently conducted by the Israel Antiquities Authority.’’

On our sojourn we are now in Israel – discoveries over the past several months range from Roman camps to conservation of early mosaics detailing streets and buildings in Egypt.

At Megiddo, the Jezreel Valley Regional Project teamed up with archaeologist Yotam Tepper and in their second season dig have exposed a Roman camp:

‘During the reign of the Roman emperor Hadrian (117-138 C.E.), two imperial legions were stationed in the province of Judea: Legio X Fretensis in Jerusalem and Legio VI Ferrata in the north. The latter was deployed between the First Jewish Revolt (67-70 C.E.) and the Bar-Kokhba rebellion (132-136 C.E.), and remained stationed in Judea through most of the 3rd century’.

Further reading can be found here:  Roman Legion Camp Uncovered at Megiddo.[11]

A headline that caught my attention, Cattleman Raising Historic Herd of Red Heifers in Israel,[12] turned out to be

‘The Temple Institute is working together with an Israeli cattleman to raise a red heifer in Israel, in strict accordance with the Biblical commandment. The project is the culmination of years of research at the Temple Institute that fuses ancient religious texts and modern science.’

The Israel Antiquities Authority reported that The Most Ancient Hebrew Scroll Since the Dead Sea Scrolls Has Been Deciphered[13]

‘For the first time, advanced technologies made it possible to read parts of a scroll that was completely burnt c. 1,500 years, inside the Holy Ark of the synagogue at Ein Gedi. At the end of extremely challenging efforts which lasted over a year, the scientists and researchers were amazed to see verses from the beginning of the Book of Leviticus, suddenly coming back to life.’

BiblePlaces Blog has advised about and included an Interactive Map – Joshua 12 Slain King Town List.[14]

TaborBlog have provided details and various links under the Heading: What Did You Find this Summer at the Mount Zion Dig?[15] – Worth the look.

A momentary detour to Lithuania as the Israel Antiquities Authority advised that the Remains of the Great Synagogue and Shulhof of Vilna are Rediscovered Seventy Years after their Destruction by the Nazis[16] ‘A Ground Penetrating Radar survey conducted in June 2015 in Vilnius, Lithuania has uncovered the underground remains of the Great Synagogue and Shulhof of Vilna, now lying partially below a modern school. These important remnants of what was before the Holocaust, Lithuania’s greatest synagogue, will be exposed in an excavation to commence next year.’

To Zurich as Breaking News in Israel reported about

‘A rare coin minted almost 2,000 years ago during the conquest of Jerusalem was recently found at an auction in Zurich, NRG reported. The find has helped shed light upon the Roman attitude at the time over the conquest, resulting in a large commemoration of the Roman victory over the Judean rebels.’ Detail can be found here: 2,000-Year-Old Coin Sheds Light on Important Role of Judea on Roman Psyche.[17]

Back in the Land: ‘A massive gate unearthed in Israel may have marked the entrance to a biblical city that, at its heyday, was the biggest metropolis in the region. The town, called Gath, was occupied until the ninth century B.C. In biblical accounts, the Philistines — the mortal enemies of the Israelites — ruled the city. The Old Testament also describes Gath as the home of Goliath, the giant warrior whom the Israelite King David felled with a slingshot.’ Continued here: Goliath Gates: Entrance to Famous Biblical Metropolis Uncovered.[18]

BBC News reported on ‘Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions’ Baffle Israeli Archaeologists[19] regarding the

‘writing … found on the walls of a room containing the remains of a Jewish ritual bath, or Mikveh, believed to be about 2,000 years old.’

At ScienceDaily and in summary of research being conducted by Bar-Ilan University:

‘A new study describes the bio-archaeological remains of the Philistine culture in Israel during the Iron Age (12th century to 7th century BCE). The results of this research indicate that the ca. 600 year presence of the Philistine culture had a major and long-term impact on local floral biodiversity.’ Philistines Introduced Sycamore, Cumin and Opium Poppy Into Israel During the Iron Age.[20]

Bar-Ilan University also reports on

‘A group of intrepid Israeli researchers recently went back to the dawn of the Stone Age to make lunch. Using 12,500-year-old conical mortars carved into bedrock, they reconstructed how their ancient ancestors processed wild barley to produce groat meals, as well as a delicacy that might be termed ‘proto-pita’—small loaves of coal-baked, unleavened bread.’ Palaeolithic Mortars Used to Make ‘Natufian Bread’.[21]

In Ashkelon a 1,800 year old (about) stone sarcophagus has been found Rare Sarcophagus Exposed in Ashkelon Building Site.[22]

‘The real location of the Tomb of the Maccabees’?  The Israel Antiquities Authority is currently undertaking research with the assistance of the young and locals in an endeavour to determine: Is the Large Mausoleum Recently Uncovered by the Israel Antiquities Authority and Residents of the Modi‘in Region Really the Tomb of the Maccabees?[23]

A Preliminary Report of the 2015 Jezreel Expedition Field Season is now available.[24]

The Temple Mount Sifting Project reports on ‘A rare 3,000 year-old seal dating to the period of the Biblical kings David and Solomon of the 10th century BCE was recently discovered at the Temple Mount Sifting Project in Jerusalem.’ Rare 3,000-Year-Old Seal Discovered within Earth Discarded from Temple Mount.[25]

The Israel Antiquities Authority also posted recent update about a find of 2 years ago reporting on the conservation: A Rare 1,500 Year Old Mosaic was Discovered that Depicts Ancient Streets and Buildings in Egypt.[26]

More News in Brief:

At BiblePlaces Blog they report on a Murex Map of Lebanon.[27]

National Geographic has an update on Syria and the ongoing campaign currently in that region against archaeology Here Are the Ancient Sites ISIS Has Damaged and Destroyed.[28]

In Jordan and in search of Sodom ‘Now having completed the tenth season of excavations, an archaeological team headed by Steven Collins of Trinity Southwest University, New Mexico, has unearthed a goldmine of ancient monumental structures and artifacts that are revealing a massive Bronze Age city-state that dominated the region of Jordan’s southern Jordan Valley, even during a time when many other great cities of the ‘Holy Land’ region were either abandoned or in serious decline.’ Possible Site of Ancient Sodom Yields More Finds.[29]

In Iraq ‘Researchers are embarking on an ambitious project to bring part of Iraq’s destroyed heritage back to life.’ Destroyed Iraqi Holy Sites Find New Life Online.[30]

At BiblePlaces Blog, More on Neo-Assyrian Inscriptions.[31]

On Gilgamesh,

‘I was taking photos in the main hall of the Sulaymaniyah Museum and came across a display case containing a small clay tablet. The description beside it said the tablet was part of the Epic of Gilgamesh and a fragment of tablet V. Immediately I thought it was a ‘replica’ as the description was superficial. It did not say the tablet was genuine, that it was newly discovered or even told about the many new pieces of information it had revealed.’ The Newly Discovered Tablet V of the Epic of Gilgamesh.[32]

About the City of Kish, ‘A British archaeological team from the Field Museum and Oxford University conducted excavations between 1923 and 1929 in Kish City, 80 kilometers (50 miles) south of Baghdad. Since then, no other excavations have been made in the city, which dates back 5,000 years. The visible ruins of the ancient site have been covered by sand dunes and mounds. According to archaeological records, Kish City survived the Great Flood that happened some 7,600 years ago and was mentioned in Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures.’ Iraq’s Ancient Kish City Lies Buried in Sand.[33]

Discoveries in Turkey

‘A new 120 square meter (1,300 square foot) Byzantine mosaic dating back to the 5-6th century C.E. containing a Bible verse in Greek as well as depictions of various animals living together in peace was discovered at an archeological dig in Turkey’s southern province of Adana.’ New 120 sq. Meter Mosaic Containing Bible Verses Found in Southern Turkey.[34]

For other news, see…

  • Turks and Ephesians Lived Together.[35]
  • Ancient Hittite Mine Factory Surprises Archaeologists.[36]
  • Symbols of Hittite Goddess of Sexuality Found on 4,000-year-old Tablet Discovered in Central Turkey.[37]
  • Ancient ‘Water Law’ Unearthed in Laodicea.[38]
  • Archaeozoologists Open Bone Lab at Ephesus.[39]
  • Hittite Women’s Hair Tie Discovered.[40]
  • First Roman Christian Church Unearthed in Diyarbakır.[41]
  • Ancient Sea Route Discovered in Mersin.[42]
  • Excavations at Myra Show Ancient Hairstyles Same as Today’s.[43]
  • Discovery of Amulet Changes History of Ephesus.[44]
  • In Egypt the Foreign Archaeological Missions Resume Excavating Upper Egypt After 13-Year Ban.[45]

From Science in Poland:

‘Traces of intentional injury in the form of cuts on the femur have been discovered on the remains of one of the dead found during this year’s excavations carried out in the Western Desert in Egypt. It is the first known case of such treatment from the Neolithic period in this part of Africa.’ Poles Discovered a Unique 6.5 Thousand Years Old Burial in Egypt.[46]

‘Four pre-dynasty tombs have been uncovered at Tel Al-Farkha in the Nile Delta’ Naqada Tombs Uncovered in Egypt’s Daqahliyah.[47]

‘A reminder for a dinner invitation and a touching letter from a young man to his mother offer a rare glimpse of daily life in ancient Egypt, thanks to a recent rediscovery at UBC Library.’ ‘Window on a Lost World’: Rediscovered Papyri at UBC Shed Light on Ancient Egypt.[48]

‘In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the rubbish dumps of Oxyrhynchus yielded thousands upon thousands of papyrus manuscript fragments that have provided—and continue to provide—a tremendous source of knowledge about the ancient world.’ Parchment Manuscripts Discovered at Oxyrhynchus.[49]

More from Polish Science:

‘The gift of the father of the legendary Cleopatra VII for an Egyptian temple, in the form of a linen cloth, has been discovered by Polish archaeologists during excavations in Western Thebes (modern Luxor) in Egypt.’ Rare Find of Polish Scientists in Egypt.[50]

‘Three ancient Egyptian stelai (upright stone slab bearing a commemorative inscription) were unearthed in Wadi-al-Hudi, 35km southeast of Aswan, Antiquities Ministry said.’ 4,000-Year-Old Stelai Unearthed South of Aswan.[51]

‘Dr. Mamdouh El Damaty, Minister of Antiquities, announced … a new discovery at Edfu temple.’ Egyptian Archaeologists Discover Human Remains and Pottery.[52]

‘NOTHING has inspired generations of archaeologists like the discovery in 1922 of the treasure-packed tomb of Tutankhamun. What if another untouched Egyptian trove lies buried, not in a distant patch of desert, nor even nearby amid the overlapping tomb-shafts of Luxor’s Valley of the Kings, but instead just a millimetre’s distance from plain view?’  What Lies Beneath?[53]

‘Unusual embalming recipes have been identified on two ancient Egyptian mummies, according to new international research.’ Ancient Egyptian Mummies Embalmed With Unusual Recipes.[54]

‘Glass-making furnaces dating back to the Roman Egypt period (30B.C.-395A.D.,) have been unearthed in Egypt’s Delta archaeological site of Tell Mutubis, the Antiquities Ministry stated.’ Roman Glass-Making Furnaces Discovered in Egypt’s Delta.[55]

‘Does the ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti rest in the tomb of the Boy King Tutankhamun, as a British Egyptologist has claimed, asks Nevine El-Aref.’  Looking for Queen Nefertiti[56]

Further updates on the search for Queen Nefertiti:

  • Egypt approves Radar for Nefertiti Tomb Quest.[57]
  • Search for Nefertiti’s Burial Chamber in Tutankhamun Tomb.[58]

‘Mostly untouched for 100 years, 15 Roman-era Egyptian mummy portraits and panel paintings were literally dusted off by scientists and art conservators from Northwestern University and the Phoebe A. Hearst Museum of Anthropology as they set out to investigate the materials the painters used nearly 2,000 years ago.’ Unusual Use of Blue Pigment Found in Ancient Mummy Portraits.[59]

‘Ancient Egyptians were likely to lose some of their front teeth before they could become mummies, says a new research debated at the International Congress of Egyptologists in Florence.’ Ancient Egyptians Forced Open Mouths During Mummification.[60]

In Health and Disease ‘The oldest case of acute decompensated heart failure has been found in 3,500-year-old mummified remains, a research team announced at the international congress of Egyptology in Florence.’ Oldest Case Of Heart Failure Found In Ancient Mummy.[61]

‘The tomb of the 26th dynasty vizier of Upper Egypt discovered in South Assassif on Luxor’s west bank.’ The Tomb of the 26th Dynasty Ruler of Upper Egypt Uncovered in Assassif, Luxor.[62]

‘The last meal of a mummified kestrel has much to tell scientists about how the ancient Egyptians handled raptors, and why so many mummies of the birds of prey have been found.’ Kestrel Mummy Hints at Raptor Breeding in Ancient Egypt.[63]

Two links to St Catherine’s Monastery:

Sinai’s St. Catherine’s Starves, Monastery Shuts Down.[64]

The Saint Catherine Foundation Sinaiticus (Newsletter).[65]

‘The oldest Egyptian leather manuscript has been found in the shelves of the Egyptian museum in Cairo, where it was stored and forgotten for more than 70 years.’ Oldest, Longest Ancient Egyptian Leather Manuscript Found.[66]

From the Smithsonian Magazine: ‘Following notes written by an English traveler in the early 19th century and two French pilots in the 1950s, Pierre Tallet made a stunning discovery: a set of 30 caves honeycombed into limestone hills but sealed up and hidden from view in a remote part of the Egyptian desert, a few miles inland from the Red Sea, far from any city, ancient or modern. During his first digging season, in 2011, he established that the caves had served as a kind of boat storage depot during the fourth dynasty of the Old Kingdom, about 4,600 years ago.’ The World’s Oldest Papyrus and What It Can Tell Us About the Great Pyramids.[67]

More on Health and Disease ‘Over the years, scientists have found evidence of cancers, heart disease, starvation, ulcers, smallpox, tuberculosis and other infections in ancient remains from all over the world. Now, for the first time ever, researchers using CT scans have detected a diseased kidney in an ancient Egyptian mummy.’ First Kidney of Ancient Egyptian Mummy Was Found Because the Man Was Diseased.[68]

[1] http://www.ritmeyer.com/2015/07/13/the-virtual-bible-a-new-visual-resource/[2] http://www.accordancebible.com/Virtual-Bible/[3] http://www.accordancebible.com/store/details/?pid=Virtual+Bible+mods

[4] http://www.ritmeyer.com/2015/07/31/secrets-of-the-temple-mount/

[5] http://www.ritmeyer.com/2015/03/18/jerusalem-the-temple-mount-2/

[6] http://www.ritmeyer.com/online-store/books/jerusalem-the-temple-mount/

[7] http://www.ritmeyer.com/2015/08/05/ancient-mikveh-with-rare-inscriptions-found-in-jerusalem/

[8] http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/199055#.VcIEwHhiYrg

[9] http://www.ritmeyer.com/2015/08/31/stepped-podium-found-in-jerusalem/

[10] http://www.antiquities.org.il/Article_eng.aspx?sec_id=25&subj_id=240&id=4144

[11] http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/IsraelExperience/History/Pages/Roman-legion-camp-uncovered-at-Megiddo-9-Jul-2015.aspx

[12] http://www.jspacenews.com/cattleman-raising-historic-herd-red-heifers-israel/

[13] http://www.antiquities.org.il/Article_eng.aspx?sec_id=25&subj_id=240&id=4134

[14] http://blog.bibleplaces.com/2015/07/interactive-map-joshua-12-slain-king.html

[15] http://jamestabor.com/2015/07/19/what-did-you-find-this-summer-at-the-mount-zion-dig/

[16] http://www.antiquities.org.il/Article_eng.aspx?sec_id=25&subj_id=240&id=4137

[17] http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/46016/2000-year-old-coin-sheds-light-on-roman-conquest-of-jerusalem/#oWJx8sTdEDD5qsoW.97

[18] http://www.livescience.com/51737-goliath-city-gates-uncovered-israel.html

[19] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-33790405

[20] http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150828112741.htm

[21] http://archaeologynewsnetwork.blogspot.com.au/2015/08/palaeolithic-mortars-used-to-make.html#.VeJfgvmqpBc

[22] http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/IsraelExperience/History/Pages/Rare-sarcophagus-exposed-in-Ashkelon-building-site-3-Sep-2015.aspx

[23] http://www.antiquities.org.il/article_eng.aspx?sec_id=25&subj_id=240&id=4147

[24] http://www.bibleinterp.com/articles/2015/09/fra398015.shtml

[25] https://templemount.wordpress.com/2015/09/24/special-media-release-rare-3000-year-old-seal-discovered-within-earth-discarded-from-temple-mount/

[26] http://www.antiquities.org.il/Article_eng.aspx?sec_id=25&subj_id=240&id=4149

[27] http://blog.bibleplaces.com/2015/07/murex-map-of-lebanon.html

[28] http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/09/150901-isis-destruction-looting-ancient-sites-iraq-syria-archaeology/

[29] http://popular-archaeology.com/issue/fall-2015/article/possible-site-of-ancient-sodom-yields-more-finds

[30] http://www.livescience.com/51577-destroyed-iraq-sites-documented-photos.html

[31] http://blog.bibleplaces.com/2015/09/more-on-neo-assyrian-inscriptions.html

[32] http://etc.ancient.eu/2015/09/24/giglamesh-enkidu-humbaba-cedar-forest-newest-discovered-tablet-v-epic/

[33] http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2015/09/24/iraqs-ancient-kish-city-lies-buried-in-sand

[34] http://arts-entertainment.bgnnews.com/new-120-sq-meter-mosaic-containing-bible-verses-found-in-southern-turkey-haberi/7724

[35] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/turks-and-ephesians-lived-together-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=86359&NewsCatID=375

[36] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/ancient-hittite-mine-factory-surprises-archaeologists–.aspx?pageID=238&nID=87098&NewsCatID=375

[37] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/symbols-of-hittite-goddess-of-sexuality-found-on-4000-year-old-tablet-found-in-central-turkey.aspx?pageID=238&nID=86910&NewsCatID=375

[38] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/ancient-water-law-unearthed-in-laodicea-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=87259&NewsCatID=375

[39] http://www.pasthorizonspr.com/index.php/archives/08/2015/archaeozoologists-open-bone-lab-at-ephesus

[40] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/hittite-womens-hair-tie-discovered.aspx?pageID=238&nID=88240&NewsCatID=375

[41] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/first-roman-christian-church-unearthed-in-diyarbakir.aspx?pageID=238&nID=88295&NewsCatID=375

[42] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/ancient-sea-route-discovered-in-mersin-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=88361&NewsCatID=375

[43] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/excavations-at-myra-show-ancient-hairstyles-same-as-todays-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=88574&NewsCatID=375

[44] http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/discovery-of-amulet-changes-history-of-ephesus-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=89187&NewsCatID=375

[45] http://www.thecairopost.com/news/158350/culture/foreign-archaeological-missions-resume-excavating-upper-egypt-after-13-year-ban

[46] http://scienceinpoland.pap.pl/en/news/news,405679,poles-discovered-a-unique-65-thousand-years-old-burial-in-egypt.html

[47] http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/9/40/134767/Heritage/Ancient-Egypt/Naqada-tombs-uncovered-in-Egypts-Daqahliyah.aspx

[48] http://www.bricecjones.com/blog/parchment-manuscripts-discovered-at-oxyrhynchus

[49] http://www.bricecjones.com/blog/parchment-manuscripts-discovered-at-oxyrhynchus

[50] http://scienceinpoland.pap.pl/en/news/news,405745,rare-find-of-polish-scientists-in-egypt.html

[51] http://www.thecairopost.com/news/161537/culture/4000-year-old-stelai-unearthed-south-of-aswan

[52] http://luxortimesmagazine.blogspot.com.au/2015/08/egyptian-archaeologists-discover-human.html?view=classic

[53] http://www.economist.com/news/books-and-arts/21660503-tantalising-clue-location-long-sought-pharaonic-tomb-what-lies-beneath

[54] http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/ancient-egyptian-mummies-embalmed-with-unusual-recipes-150807.htm

[55] http://www.thecairopost.com/news/164014/culture/roman-glass-making-furnaces-discovered-in-egypts-delta

[56] http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/News/13061/47/Looking-for-Queen-Nefertiti.aspx

[57] http://www.scientificcomputing.com/news/2015/09/egypt-approves-radar-nefertiti-tomb-quest

[58] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-34410720

[59] http://popular-archaeology.com/issue/summer-2015/article/unusual-use-of-blue-pigment-found-in-ancient-mummy-portraits

[60] http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/ancient-egyptians-forcefully-opened-mouths-during-mummification-150827.htm

[61] http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/oldest-case-of-heart-failure-found-in-ancient-mummy-150828.htm

[62] http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/9/40/139265/Heritage/Ancient-Egypt/The-tomb-of-the-th-dynasty-ruler-of-Upper-Egypt-un.aspx

[63] http://news.discovery.com/animals/kestrel-mummy-hints-at-raptor-breeding-in-ancient-egypt-150903.htm

[64] http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2013/09/st-catherine-shutdown-monastery-sinai-unrest.html#

[65] http://www.saintcatherinefoundation.org/en/newsletter/

[66] http://news.discovery.com/history/archaeology/oldest-and-longest-ancient-egyptian-leather-manuscript-found-150914.htm

[67] http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/ancient-egypt-shipping-mining-farming-economy-pyramids-180956619/?no-ist

[68] http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/first-kidney-ancient-egyptian-mummy-was-found-because-man-was-diseased-020540