This an excerpt from a longer article detailing HP Mansfield's experiences travelling through America during 1963.

[…]What the letters (I received more than one, from more than one source) revealed, was that brethren seem to be coming rather hysterically moved through the national propaganda of the country of their PILGRIMAGE, in which they dwell as STRANGERS and PILGRIMS in the earth.

Let us bear well in mind our Scriptural standing in the country where the accident of birth has placed us. We have here no permanent resting place. We are not of USA, Australia, Germany or Great Britain, but we are of ISRAEL. And not the Israel of the Middle East today, but that of the future. As soon as we lose our sense of proportion to things happening about us, as soon as we forget that we have been “taken out” of the nations, as soon as we identify ourselves with national aspirations, we are in serious danger of losing our spiritual heritage.

That is why we have written upon these racial troubles in this section of our notebook. In this age of extreme nationalism, there is a danger that we be caught up in the current of strong feelings that can be aroused through propaganda, and which can swirl us out of the course of the Truth. We must stand apart from all such influences, though we might be observers of them. There is extreme danger if we take any other stand.

One letter from a brother alleged that there is a Divine curse on Ham. But where do we read in the Bible of a curse on Ham? There is nothing said about it therein! There was a curse placed upon Canaan, the son of Ham (Gen. 9:25), so that God declared: “a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.” That was fulfilled when Joshua entered the land of Canaan, and brought the native inhabitants into servitude. Does it apply to Ham generally?

The letter before me claims that it does, and that, therefore, colored people are Divinely appointed to be the servants of the whites.

I do not dispute for one moment that some nations and races have a greater aptitude than others in certain directions, and that, therefore, it is decreed that they will exercise the ascendancy at certain periods of history (Acts 17:26). It is a theory of mine (and facts seem to justify it), that for sheer mental brilliance, the Jewish race is superior to most other nations.

But that doesn’t mean that individuals of other nations cannot exceed individual Jews in brilliance in a particular field of knowledge. The North Americans have greater drive and energy than the South Americans; but it is circumstances, environment and opportunity that has created the difference. The fact that the skin of a person is a different color does not necessarily mean that he lacks the ability of his white brethren. It frequently depends upon the aptitude and ability of the individual.

There are both colored and white people in the States who efficiently conduct large businesses; there are others, both colored and white, who are lazy and content with the squalid slum conditions in which they live.

So the facts seem to show that some individuals have greater ability than others; and some nations are more qualified in certain directions than others. But that has nothing to do with the supposed curse of Ham. And the facts reveal that the sons of Ham were not all servants. Among them were Nimrod and Mizraim. Did the curse of perpetual servitude rest on them? By no means! From the former came Assyria and Babylon. Were these nations in servitude to Israel? The contrary is the truth. The mightiest empires came from them. Rather than the curse of servitude resting on Ham, Ham asserted his authority on the rest of the world! And from Mizraim came Egypt, noted for the splendor of its past, the glory of its Empire, the skill and might of its administration. Where is evidence of the curse of Ham on these notable sons of his? The glory of Egypt was unsurpassed during many centuries of ancient history.

Therefore do not let us repeat the fallacy that God has decreed perpetual servitude for modern nations today, without sound Scriptural reason for so saying. And let us bear always in mind, that whatever the condition, or ability, of a nation might be, those who are called to the Truth, are called “out of” those conditions to attain unto a glorious unity with Christ, and thus with those of like precious faith” (Gal. 3:26-28). If Christ is “not ashamed to call them brethren” (Heb. 2:11) who are called to the Truth, and if the appeal of the Gospel is to all irrespective as to color or race (Acts 17:26-28; Rev. 5:9-10), then in the Gospel all are joined in a glorious unity in Christ.

It therefore follows, that if a person is qualified to accept the Gospel, he is qualified to humbly expound it. And where the Gospel is planted, even in the most backward parts of the world, there is a need to evolve means of making those who embrace it self-supporting as far as the study and proclamation of the Truth is concerned. An observation of conditions in many parts of the world, convinces me, that this is not only possible, but desirable; and that the responsibility is ours, that if we preach the Truth in a centre, we must build up the local members so that they, in turn, can proclaim the word independently of outside help if need be.

I have wandered a lot in my notebook this month, and it may read a little incoherently to readers. I have sought to set down some of my impressions regarding controversial matters, as I have wandered from place to place, and observed the passions of men aroused until they become quite unreasoning in their attitude and demands. What great problems the world presents for Christ to solve!

In him alone is there sufficient wisdom and power to effectively solve these problems, so that out of the confusion, trouble, and violence of this unhappy world, there will come at last, “times of refreshing” for the benefit of mankind in all parts. Never let us lose our sense of proportion and perspective in regard to current issues, but ever bear in mind the temporary nature of the present way of life, and seek the permanent things of the kingdom of God. In due time it will supplant all the things that disturb the minds of men now, and will reveal the glory of Yahweh’s truth in every avenue of life.