Full Question

Is there any theory, scientific or natural, which would account for the standing still of the sun and moon, as given in Josh. 12, 13, 14?


This will appeal particularly to the scientifically-minded, even though they may not have received definite scientific training. The mind stands appalled at the thought of the infinite number of adjustments in the movements of the heavenly bodies which would appear necessary to permit of such a miracle, and yet preserve the universe from chaos: or perhaps they are not so slavishly machine-like as used to be supposed.

At the great Palestine Exhibition, held years ago in the Agricultural Hall, London, there appeared an ingenious person, who, equipped with a mechanical device cleverly representing the solar system, gave an astronomical explanation.

Other “explanations” of various kinds abound; yet mostly they explain away, rather than really explain, not infrequently running upon the lines that we are not to understand the record of the great event literally.