“Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.”

This final commandment of our Lord and Saviour is binding upon each brother and sister of Jesus Christ, and is the guiding principle of the committee and speakers associated with broadcasting in Victoria.

The radio, today, is the best medium available to the Brotherhood for publicly proclaiming the Gospel message of salvation. Radio broadcasts carry the life-giving message of the Bible to large areas of this continent, and reach far greater audiences than we can encourage to attend our public lectures. With regard to Victorian broadcasts, letters show that the session has been heard in Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and also New Zealand. This is a far greater coverage than Television could give, and the cost is within the limits of ecclesial and private contributions.

Brief History

The first Victorian broadcasts were given intermittently in 1943 over 3SR (Shepparton). Regular broadcasts began on 13th February, 1944, over 3XY (Melbourne), when Melbourne (now Latrobe Street) and Elsternwick (now Chadstone) ecclesias jointly presented a quarterhour session each Sunday at 2.30 p.m. In July, 1962, the time of these broadcasts, which are now supported by most metropolitan and country ecclesias, was changed to 8.00 p.m. Now the session is heard each Sunday at 8.15 p.m. on 3XY. Tape recordings of these broadcasts are given on 3TR (Sale) at 7.15 p.m., 3SH (Swan Hill) at 9.30 p.m. and 3HA (Hamilton) at 8.00 p.m. This latter session is sponsored by the Adelaide Christadelphian Gospel Extension Society, and the joint venture shows how interstate groups can co-operate in Gospel proclamation work.


The broadcasts are given by a panel of five brethren, each of whom speaks eight times per year, assisted by a relieving panel of four brethren who give three addresses each per year. A syllabus is prepared each six months, but if an outstanding event occurs at any time a speaker has the option of substituting a topical address on that event in place of the subject listed on the syllabus.

The Organizing Committee consists of six Brethren, each a representative of a Melbourne ecclesia. This committee meets monthly to handle the general business of the Fund; also tape recordings of broadcasts given during the preceding month are replayed for consideration by the committee. Frank comments and suggestions are made for the guidance and help of the speakers, who are encouraged to hear their recordings and check the Committee’s suggestions. Each quarter, speakers and committee meet for a group discussion, review of progress and consideration of proposals to improve the session.

The annual meeting is held in June to present to the ecclesias a review of the past year’s work, a report on the ensuing year’s proposals, and the opportunity to discuss policy and other matters for the guidance of committee and speakers.

Broadcasts and listeners Requests

The broadcasts, generally, are confined to prophetical aspects and simple fundamentals of Bible truth. At the end.. of each broadcast a free booklet is advertised and listeners are encouraged to write or ‘telephone for it. Each request is forwarded to a central registry, the details recorded, and the booklet posted with a covering letter. This is followed up with other booklets covering the main principles of the Truth, and “Glad Tidings” magazines are also used. Listeners who cannot be contacted personally within a short time are asked if they would like further literature posted regularly, free of charge. During the past year approximately 2,500 booklets and Glad Tidings magazines were posted out.

Co-operation with Gospel Extension Society

Each month the names and addresses of listeners who requested and received literature are handed to the Gospel Extension Society, which arranges for “Contact Brethren” to call on these listeners ‘and report back on the results. Where possible, regular visits, or further postings of literature, are arranged. Analysis of these visits indicates the following facts:

  1. The majority of correspondents are middle aged or elderly.
  2. Many write for a booklet because the title appeals to them.
  3. Many listen for a long time before they write for a booklet.
  4. Many people prefer to pay for a booklet, rather than receive it free.
  5. A minority ask questions which dis­play a keen interest in Scripture. Most of these request additional literature and visits.
  6. The most popular topics are those concerning Prophecy, the Devil, the Trinity, the Immortal Soul and the Sabbath.


New listeners who requested booklets totalled 220 and 190 respectively during 1962/63 and 1963/64, apart from the many regular listeners who wrote. These totals considerably exceed those of earlier years, and prove the importance of the change of time from afternoon to evening.

Looking back over the years it is considered that at least ten brethren and sisters accepted the Truth as a result of the broadcasts, and many more have been helped by them in conjunction with private discussions and booklets sent out.

In addition, a number of brethren and sisters in isolation have used the broadcasts as a part of their Memorial Meeting each Sunday.


Whereas approximately £250 was spent on broadcasting in 1944, costs in 1963/64 had risen to £1,000 and are expected to be £1,350 for the current year. The major portion of this amount is contributed regularly by metropolitan and country ecclesias, and the balance is supplied by private donations from brethren and sisters who “covenant” to subscribe a certain amount each year.


As well as an avenue for Gospel proclamation, the session is an excellent medium for publicly announcing special lectures, Bible displays and other combined ecclesial activities. Whilst results have not been spectacular, they have been sufficient to justify our efforts in the Master’s service and encourage us to press onwards. The fields are still white to the harvest, and the Master’s call to work is still with us. Accordingly, within the limits of the financial assistance received, we shall continue to proclaim the Gospel message to all who will listen. We can but sow the seed, it is God who giveth the increase.