The 63 years since the turn of last century have witnessed an amazing spectacle. A review of this period leads us to the conclusion that a mighty climax in the affairs of mankind is swiftly approaching.

How can the population of the earth go on increasing at its present rate without causing a crisis wherein the survival of the race itself is at stake?

Can the nations continue to afford the astronomical budgets necessary to sustain preparedness for war?

Who can persuade the powers that be against the use of the great destructive forces at their command?

Surely Jesus aptly described such a time when He said that there would be “Upon the earth distress of nations with perplexity”. If the reader refers to Young’s Concordance he will see that the word “perplexity” comes from the Greek word “Aporia” and means literally “without a passage out”.

The Master was warning all who would give heed that when the down treading of Jerusalem should cease the troubles of the Gentiles would be so great that there would be no way out of them. Surely this period has arrived!

The flood of knowledge upon the earth is absolutely without precedent. Never has man been able to “run to and fro” as he does today. Forty years ago the Smith brothers flew from England to Australia in ten days. What an achievement! But today Vulcan bombers fly the same distance in approximately eighteen hours.

Australia is no longer isolated from the rest of the world.

A Warning

In the 16th chapter of the Revelation Jesus warns us of the great crisis about to engulf mankind.

The river Euphrates (the Turkish power) would be dried up. The once proud Ottoman Empire is no more!

Since 1789 the “frog” power, or France, has led the nations of Europe from crisis to crisis; its association with the Papacy has been such that together they have had a continued dominance in the councils of the Continents. Their work has produced political miracles as foretold (Rev. 16. 14). Their latest work in the Common Market has had outstanding results and, as forecast in this magazine some months ago, one has been to isolate Britain from Europe.

French diplomacy with its Jesuitical influence will continue to lead the nations on to the battle of the great day of God Almighty, even Armageddon, and the judgments beyond.

Christ Comes!

As far as we can ascertain from the prophetic outline of the scriptures Christ can come at any moment! The Household must be ready to meet its Master and Judge. The present is no time for sleep or apathy. Let us awake to the responsibility and privilege that is ours while there remains a little time.

We anticipate, God willing, a series of articles to appear in these pages dealing with the great message of the book of Revelation. Our endeavour will be to arouse enthusiasm for the study of this last message of Jesus to the ecclesias and to cause us as individuals to prepare for the great day that lies ahead.

In the meantime, “Blessed is he that watcheth (Rev. 16. 15), “And they that keep the things written therein, for the time is at hand” (Rev. 1. 3).