Even the humblest brother of the Lord Jesus Christ must surely realise that mighty events are being shaped in world affairs.

France endeavors to lead Europe in a federation of nations, hoping therein to find economic and political security. The machinery to implement these hopes appeared to be well provided in the various clauses of the Treaty of Rome, which was signed in the City of the Caesars in 1957. Many politicians throughout British countries have been eagerly anticipating Britain’s entry into a union of powers by which it would be possible, presumably, to avoid world conflict.

However, our recent news is to the effect that the fall of France’s latest government, and the discomfiture of France’s strong man, Gen. De Gaulle, place in jeopardy Britain’s negotiations with the “six”. Newspapers are even now questioning whether indeed the British will continue their endeavors to enter more closely into European Union.

This political insecurity only serves to emphasise the insignificance of man and the greatness of God. The student of God’s Word can rest assured that, no matter what the nations may propose, all things are in the hands of the Great Architect of the Ages. The judgments to come upon the nations, as recorded by the prophets of old, cannot be prevented from running their divinely allotted course.

The rulers of Mankind speak of peace while preparing for war; their actions con­stitute a preparation for the great day of God Almighty, when the ultimatum record­ed in Revelation ch. 14. 7 will go forth: “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment is come.”

The development and perfection of atomic power and weapons for destructive purposes seems to be alluded to in the Apocalypse (11. 18), “Thou shouldest des­troy them that destroy the earth”. While the word “destroy” primarily means “cor­rupt”, and the corruption of the world is implied in a spiritual sense, yet the power in the hands of men corrupts through radia­tion the very earth itself, rendering it unfit for cultivation for years the Hour of hod’s judgment Man’s technical advance is not matched by a corresponding moral development, nor can this be so while the only means of moral development is neglected.

As servants of Him who is all powerful, we have been provided with the weapons of our warfare. These indeed are not carnal, but nevertheless are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds and the casting down of imaginations (of men) and of all that is obnoxious to God.

Mankind, generation after generation, have sown to the flesh; they shall of the flesh reap corruption. Their own way of living provides the seeds of their destruc­tion.

The judgments of God soon to be mani­fested in the earth upon the nations will prepare the way for the glory that is to follow. He who shall be a “Light to lighten the Gentiles- will come and will not tarry. But first there must be the hour or time of God’s judgment; surely the time is almost with us!

Dare we ask, “O Lord, holy and true, how long?” Might we not receive the answer, “It is come”. The hour of God’s judgment is near indeed!.