There are two great opposing principles at work in the human family faith and agnosticism. It has been harder o persuade men and women that God exists and is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him, than it has been to con­vince them that God does not exist, and that man can do as he likes.

This generation of God’s servants needs greater and more enduring faith than any other. Evil seems to prosper, the doctrine that night is right is accepted by the majority of mankind. One’s own word and opinions are preferred before all others — why? because it is human to do so.

On the other hand, faith in the existence, power and purpose of Almighty God calls :or the exercise of self-restraint, for the recognition that might is not right—but that truth alone is right—and the necessity to listen to others, to prove all things and hold fast that which is good.

During this last century, and particularly in these present days, the great world centres of learning have been busy trying to convince all whom they can reach that faith in God is old-fashioned — that all beings are the result of a process of evolution. Science is the god before whom the world worships. The utterance of a scientist is far more greatly esteemed than a, “Thus saith the Lord . . .”.

Because the nations trust in their own power they are drifting ever nearer to the point of no return from complete and irreparable (by man) disaster—a holocaust which will end for ever the reign of man.

We as servants of the only true and living God—and especially our children—need a constant and burning faith in God and His promises.

Lukewarmness on our part will never win converts for Christ; it will never withstand the invasion of the “world”. If we as parents have a weak faith, how can we expect our children to be strong in faith? The educational circles in which our children move are critical of faith and the quest for righteousness. If we are spiritually weak then our children, lacking leadership in the home in this most important matter, may well be lost forever from the truth and all it can mean for them.

The great scripture definition of faith as given in Heb. 11. 1, remains outstanding midst the cynicism of this 20th century: -Faith is a confident anticipation of things hoped for, a full persuasion of things not seen”.

Here is the very core of our life in Christ. We are surrounded on every hand by people who have no anticipations beyond this present life. Not only do they refuse to be persuaded concerning what God has promised, they heavily discount those who do believe. The slightest weakness on our part is interpreted by them as defeat for the truth.

Let us be thoroughly conversant with the things in which we profess to believe, fully confident that our hopes will be translated into reality. Let our persuasion of the divine things not seen be so complete that we shall be looked upon, even by unbelievers, as a light shining in a dark place, as servants of the Almighty Father, of whom it will yet be acknowledged, even as of others before us: “These all obtained a good report through faith.”