The recent decision by the Commonwealth Government to re-introduce compulsory military training serves to emphasise the tensions with which Australia is faced.

This same tension exists all over the world. The words of Jesus ring true today, “Upon the earth distress of nations”. While world politics maintain their present course, Armageddon is inevitable, and will apparently take place in the not far distant future.

As it is obvious that our Lord will return before Armageddon, present events constitute a dire warning to every brother and sister in Christ that He is almost at the door.

The Brotherhood here in Australia cannot afford to be caught unawares. Our stand in the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45 must be continued.

Gibbon in “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” states that the christians of the early centuries (1st and 2nd) “declined the active cares of war and of government”. This was not because of cowardice or laziness, but because of the Gospel.

James at the Jerusalem conference stated clearly, “God at the first did visit the Gentiles to take out of them a people for his name”. We cannot embrace the ideals and aspirations of mankind, for such are not directed to the praise and worship of the Almighty. It is not possible for us to come “out” of our environment, and yet be found defending and preserving that which God will eventually sweep away.

Our first allegiance is to God, through Christ. Thereafter we have a duty to the State, wherever we may be, to be obedient to that which is right and just, and such laws and regulations as the government of the country of our sojourn enact for the well-being of the community.

Peter, in his first epistle, Chapter 2. 11 – 1 7, outlines very clearly the duties of a true follower of Christ. Our manner of life among our fellows must be such as to show forth the praises of Him who has called us, so that no reproach shall come upon the Name we bear.

Paul’s instruction in Romans, chapter 13, verses 1-7, is in similar vein. We will obey magistrates, rulers and kings in whatsoever direction given, providing it does not conflict with God’s requirements of us.

We need to be vigilant always, for we have a duty both to God and man. Our duty to God, however, is supreme.

In the matter of military service, the servants of Christ in Australia cannot slay the servants of Christ in France or Ger­many. We are called to unity in the faith, and to the service of One Lord. There is but One Faith, One Hope and One Baptism.

We must see that not only our young men, but every ecclesial member understands the scriptural requirements of the Christian’s relation to the State.

The Central Standing Committee have given much help and encouragement in the past and will undoubtedly do so again. Each Ecclesia must take up the matter firmly and immediately.

Above all, each individual servant of Christ must know where he stands in this important matter, and be prepared to up­hold the position so clearly established and maintained by our brethren in the past.